Friday, October 14, 2011


These are a couple T-shirts I got at a concert a few months ago. Basically, their function is to promote the band, My Chemical Romance. I really like the shirts because of their design. The one on the right is very simply colored, with only black, white, and red, and features the band members as if they're on a "Wanted" poster. The typography is all capital letters in a sans-serif font to make it seem more threatening, and the black bars over their eyes with the word "Exterminate" continue to convey that message. In a way, the shirt might even echo Constructivist design because of the color scheme and simplicity of the design (minus the Communist message). The other shirt is also pretty simple, with just the words "Look alive, sunshine!" on the front. In this case, the typography is the design, since there isn't another image on the shirt. It's a little hard to tell in the picture (sorry for the bad lighting), but the words actually have a sunburst inside them in orange and yellow (sort of echoing Art Deco), which I think makes the shirt kind of funny. Overall, I think the quality of the artwork is pretty good (which is, of course, why I bought the shirts in the first place), and they do a pretty good job of promoting the band.

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